L’IHU Strasbourg is awarded one of the 13 Experimental Authorizations from ARCEP for its 5G-Connected Operating Room Project

L’IHU Strasbourg is awarded one of the 13 Experimental Authorizations from ARCEP for its 5G-Connected Operating Room Project

As part of the Government’s 5G Mission entrusted to Philippe Herbet, the Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority (Arcep) authorized on October 12 the experimentation in the 3.8 – 4.0 GHz band at the IHU Strasbourg in order to promote access to 5G for industrialists and “vertical” players (local authorities, universities, research laboratories, etc.).

The IHU has been granted one of the 13 experimental authorizations issued by Arcep, covering various sectors of the economy: industry, energy and health.

The thirteen experimental authorizations in the 3.8 - 4.0 GHz band as of October 12, 2022 (Source: Arcep)

The thirteen experimental authorizations in the 3.8 – 4.0 GHz band as of October 12, 2022 (Source: Arcep)


Strasbourg University-Hospital Institute (IHU)

A part of the Franco-German “5G-OR” project, the experiment aims to create the first demo of a new generation of operating room communicating within a private 5G network, for personalized and secure minimally invasive interventions, with the objective of improving patient benefit. The French team involves two institutes created by the Investissements d’Avenir program – the Strasbourg University Hospital Institute and the b<>com Technological Research Institute, as well as the innovative company RDS Diagnostics.